Holiday Vacation
12/26/2008 1:15:32 PM
The holiday break, which constitutes about 2+ weeks off for me, is one of my most anticipated vacations of the year. I get to legitimately putter around the house and promise myself that I'll catch up on all those household chores and personal projects that never seem to get advanced. But, as usual, the time seems to escape me....or so it seems. So in the interest of proving to myself that I am actually being somewhat productive and that this holiday break has not been a waste, I'm trying here to recount what I best I can.
Jan 5 - Monday - Vacation almost over. Packed up the van with the boys and hit the road by 10:30. Stopped at a Denny's in Strasburg for lunch and back in Purcellville by 3:00. The whole thing went by too quickly -- as I expected. Now back to the grind.
Jan 4 - Sunday - Final skiiing day. It was severely overcast -- thick cloud all around the mountain -- and raining periodically. The skiing was a bit slushy, but the good thing was almost noone was there. Easy getting the lifts. Jamie wasn't skiiing because of his leg. Marth, Nathan and I pretty much stuck together on only three trails -- although Nathan was now occasionally doing a Black Diamond with his two brothers. Martha capped the trip off with some runs by herself -- almost owning the mountain. The evening was spent with a pork loin dinner, playing 'craps' and reading by the fire.
Jan 3 - Saturday - Again, got over to the lodge to get Nate another lesson. A beautiful, crystal clear day with temps around 40. But the lift lines were pretty long. Turns out Jamie wiped out, hit a tree and banged up his leg. Nathan had done Greens on Friday -- he was now doing Blues with his brothers! He and I went to the local store at the end of the ski-day and checked out some restaurants. We ended up bringing the whole family to the Canaan Valley State Park lodge restaraunt. I hadn't noticed, but it was only buffett at almost $30 per/person.....which ultimately cost me some $180!! Especially infuriating since the boys didn't eat anything.
Jan 2 - Friday - I got up first to run over to the lodge and sign Nate up for snowboard lessons. Then roused them all to get up and ready to ski!! The weeather was a bit overcast and chilly. After a couple hours, came back for lunch, out to ski again and then back for a nice spaghetti dinner.
Jan 1 - '09 - Thursday - Finished packing the van and drove to Timberline in WVA for a few days of skiing. Ran by the lodge to pick up our lift tickets. Our fourth house in Timberline and the best so far, with great open layout. As soon as we settled in, Martha, Nathan and I went to Davis for groceries and stocked up big time!!.
Dec. 31 - Wednesday - Packed up the van for the trip to Canaan Valley the next day. Then spent New Year's Eve at the O'Brien's - which has become a traditional stop the last couple years.
Dec. 30 - Tuesday - Really dedicated myself to scanning some photos.....only a couple more albums to go.
Dec. 29 - Monday - Picked the little guys up from the Ferguson's.
Dec. 28 - Sunday - Back on my feet. Little scanning of photos, little uploading to the remote site. Cleaned out our shower stall with some nasty mildew cleaner. Painted a wall in Patrick's room with "chalkboard." Took Patrick and Nate over to the Ferguson's for a sleepover; after which Martha and I went out to dinner at "not your average joe's."
Dec 27 - Saturday - Recuperating from an undisciplined night before. Really just lounged around. I'm told you need those once in a while. Also had a 'come to Jesus' with Jamie again. (see next entry above)
Dec 26 - Friday - workout at the gym - some web writing. Took Chris, Patrick and Nate to Leesburg so they could blow their x-mas money -- getting games mostly. Nate also picked up a remote controlled model car. In the evening we hosted the Ferguson's for dinner.
Dec 25 - Thursday - Christmas Day - a wonderful relaxing day with any sense of obligation. Kids opened their presents in the morning. Martha got me some drum tapes....just what I asked for!! Mom fixed a nice breakfast. They played with their toys. I read, took a nap, then took a walk with Marth. She fixed a nice pork roast dinner and the kids enjoyed looking at old photo albums and reminiscing about years past. Nice that it was just us.
Dec 24 - Wednesday - Christmas Eve - Martha and I both went to the gym. Then after lunch we "forced" the boys to go to Mt. Vernon. They complained bitterly, but we needed to get them out of the house and away from the screens.
Dec. 23 - Tuesday - Spent most of the day wrapping presents in my office. In the evening I drove Chris up to Frank's for his lesson.
Dec 22 - Monday - Went to the gym and then painted Christopher's wall with a chalkboard paint. Also placed some pictures in frames to hang in the hall and boys' bathroom.
Dec. 21 - Sunday - Spent most of the day completing the Christmas shopping - Kohls, Target, Staples, Bloom....
Dec 20 - Saturday - In the morning I took Patrick, Nathan and Chris to the Leesburg bowling alley for the end-of-season bowling party.
Dec 19 - Friday - Worked a bit from home and in the evening drove to Sterling to see Chris play with Ellis and Matt at the Community Center. It was cute - Jamie and Chris Taylor jumped in and sang in the last tune.
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